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Koliko ti kapkejkova treba za slikanje - pitao me je Ivan .
A koliko ih ima- pitala sam ja zbunjeno.
Sedam-odgovorio je kao iz topa.
Kako sedam,pa bilo ih je petnaest.
Bilo, više nema, odgovorio je kroz smeh.
A evo kako je nestrpljivo, čekao završetak slikanja. A onda je i ovih sedam kapkejkova nestalo bez traga. :)
Kada je Ivanin blog So i Biber izglasan za istraživanju u okviru igre FBI rukavice , znala sam da će ovi kapkejkovi biti obavezno isprobani. Zapali su mi za oko još kada ih je Ivana objavila, ali nikako da dodju na red.
Presuda je jednoglasna -kapkejovi su odlični i definitivno ih morate probati.
Šta sam promenila?
Ivana je glazuru aromatizovala svežom i sušenom lavandom a ja to nisam imala, pa sam koristila koricu narandže.
Ivana je u receptu navela da se dobija 12 komada , ali izgleda da moj pleh za mafine ima manje kalupe pa sam ja dobila 15 komada.
Ja sam za krem umesto arome vanile koristila sastruganu mahun vanile i njene semenčice.
Pa da krenemo na recept.
Potrebno je :
(za 12-15 komada)
Za kapkejkove :
3 veća jaja
220 gr brašna
225 gr šećera
1 1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo
1/2 kašičice soli
170 gr putera (isečenog na 12 kockica i omekšalog na sobnoj temperaturi)
200 gr mleka
1 1/2 arome vanile
Za krem:
320 gr slatke pavlake
3 krupna žumanca
75 gr šećera
prstohvat soli
4 kašičice gustina
30 gr putera
1 mahuna vanile, rasečena i sastrugane semenčice
Za glazuru:
160 gr slatke pavlake
kora od 1 neprskane pomorandže (bez belog dela ) , iceskana na tanke trakice
225 gr čokolade sa 70% kakaa
Prvo napravite krem. Slatku pavlaku , rasečenu mahunu vanile i semenke vanile stavite u šerpicu sa debljim dnom i na srednjoj temperaturi zagrevajte dok ne proključa. Sklonite sa vatre, Žumanca promešajte sa šećerom , pa dodajte gustin i so. Dobro promešajte pa malo po malo sipajte u vrelu pavlaku i mešajte bez prestanka. Vratite na vatru i kuvajte dok se krem ne zgusne.Mešajte svo vreme da krem ne zagori ili da se ne naprave gromuljice. Kada se krem zgusnuo, sklonite šerpicu sa vatre, izvadite mahunu vanile i dodajte puter. Mešajte dok se puter ne otopi i sve lepo sjedini. Prekrite providnom folijom da se ne stvori korica, pustite da se ohladi na sobnoj temeperaturi , pa ga stavite u frižider na još par sati. Najbolje je da krem ostavite u frižideru preko noći.
Prvo prosejte brašno, prašak za pecivo i so. Promešajte sa šećerom.Mikserom na maloj brzini mešajte i dodajte kockicu po kockicu putera dok ne utrošite sav puter. Dobićete smesu koja liči na pesak. Dodajte jedno po jedno jaje. Između dodavanja dobro promešajte. Na kraju dodajte mleko i na malo većoj brzini sve dobro izmešajte.
Sipajte smesu u podmazani pleh za mafine i pecite 20 minuta. Pre nego što izvadite kapkejkove proverite da li su pečeni testom "čačkalica". Bocnite jedan kapkejk sa čačkalicom i ako izađe suva, kapkejkovi su gotovi. Izvadite ih iz rerne i pustite da se skroz ohlade.
Čokoladna glazura:
Veče pre u slatku pavlaku dodajte koricu pomorandže nasekanu na trakice. Poklopite i ostavite da prenoći u frižideru. Sutradan pre kuvanja, pavlaku procedite. Stavite je u manju šerpicu da debljim dnom i na srednjoj vatri zagrevajte dok ne proključa.
Iseckanu čokoladu stavite u staklenu ili metalnu posudu. Preko prelite zagrejanu pavlaku i mešajte žicom dok se sva čokolada ne otopi Pustite da se prohladi 20 minuta.
Ohlađenim kapkejovima odstanite vrh i deo sredine da može da stane više fila. :) Taj odstranjeni deo kapkejka imaće oblik kupe. Svakoj kupi odstanite šiljak da dobijete ravne poklopce. Svaki kapkejk napunite sa po dve kašičice fila i poklopite sa kapkejk poklopcem. Lagano pritisnite. Kapkejkove stavite na rešetku ispod koje ste stavili peko papir. Svaki kapkejk prelite sa dve kašike čokolane glazure. Pustite da se glazura slobodno slije preko kapkejova a višak ocedi na peko papir. Kapkejove stavite u plastičnu kutiju sa odgovarajućim poklopcem i spremite u frižider. Pustite ih da odstoje barem jedan dan.
Ako do sada niste, obavezno posetite Ivanine blogove, So i Biber i Dolce fooda. Osim što ćete uživati u prelepim fotografijama ,verujem da ćete pronaći i nešto za sebe. Njeni blogovi obiluju savetima kako da napravite gradsku baštu na svojoj terasi, receptima iz Patinog kuvara ali i klasičnim američkim receptima kojim Ivana nastoji da nam dočara zemlju koja je sada postala njen dom.
Moja istraga njenih blogova će se nastaviti...
Boston cream cupcakes
Boston cream cupcakes are so delicious! Vanilla cupcake filled with pastry cream and covered in chocolate ganache! What not to love? Only one word can describe these cupcakes. Heavenly! :)This recipe is adopted from So i Biber blog.
For cupcakes :
170g butter,
225 g caster sugar
3 large eggs,
220g flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
200 ml milk
For cream :
320 ml heavy cream
1 Vanilla pod
3 egg yolks
75 g caster sugar
3 egg yolks
75 g caster sugar
4 tsp cornstarch
a pinch of salt
30g butter
For the chocolate ganache :
225g good quality dark chocolate,
160 ml heavy cream
First prepare the cream custard. Heat the cream over medium heat . Add vanilla pod and seeds to a saucepan and bring to a simmer then remove from the heat.
Whisk together the egg yolk, sugar and corn flour in a bowl, then add the cream and vanilla to the bowl and whisk again.Place back on the heat, whisking continuously and bring to the boil. Do not stop whisking. If you stop , you could end up with lumps or burnt pastry cream. Remove from the heat once the mixture thickens. Remove vanilla pod. Add the butter and mix again, then place in a large bowl and allow to cool. Cover with cling film and chill in the fridge until it is ready to use.
Cupcakes :
Preheat the oven to 175 °C.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Add sugar and mix well. Add butter, piece by piece. Add eggs, one by one and mix well.Add milk and mix well.
Spoon your mixture into your greased muffin tins and bake in the oven for around 20 minutes. Place a toothpick in to one of your cakes, if it comes out clean your cakes are done. Leave your cakes to cool.
Chocolate ganache:
Mix cream with orange rind cut into strips . Leave it in a refrigerator over night, covered. Tomorrow, strain the cream before cooking
Pour the cream into a saucepan and place over a low heat.
In a separate bowl break up your pieces of chocolate. Once the cream has come to the boil, remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate. Mix together until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is well combined. Allow to cool slightly, for about 20 minutes.
Assembling cupcakes:
Remove your cream custard from the fridge and mix again.
Using a knife remove the center of your cupcakes and fill generously with the cream custard. Cut off (and discard) the end of each cone-shaped piece of cake. Top every cupcake with remaining cake disk.
Using a tablespoon pour the chocolate ganache over each cake. Take a angled spatula and move the ganache over the top. The ganache will harden once cooled.
30g butter
For the chocolate ganache :
225g good quality dark chocolate,
160 ml heavy cream
First prepare the cream custard. Heat the cream over medium heat . Add vanilla pod and seeds to a saucepan and bring to a simmer then remove from the heat.
Whisk together the egg yolk, sugar and corn flour in a bowl, then add the cream and vanilla to the bowl and whisk again.Place back on the heat, whisking continuously and bring to the boil. Do not stop whisking. If you stop , you could end up with lumps or burnt pastry cream. Remove from the heat once the mixture thickens. Remove vanilla pod. Add the butter and mix again, then place in a large bowl and allow to cool. Cover with cling film and chill in the fridge until it is ready to use.
Cupcakes :
Preheat the oven to 175 °C.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Add sugar and mix well. Add butter, piece by piece. Add eggs, one by one and mix well.Add milk and mix well.
Spoon your mixture into your greased muffin tins and bake in the oven for around 20 minutes. Place a toothpick in to one of your cakes, if it comes out clean your cakes are done. Leave your cakes to cool.
Chocolate ganache:
Mix cream with orange rind cut into strips
Pour the cream into a saucepan and place over a low heat.
In a separate bowl break up your pieces of chocolate. Once the cream has come to the boil, remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate. Mix together until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is well combined. Allow to cool slightly, for about 20 minutes.
Assembling cupcakes:
Remove your cream custard from the fridge and mix again.
Using a knife remove the center of your cupcakes and fill generously with the cream custard. Cut off (and discard) the end of each cone-shaped piece of cake. Top every cupcake with remaining cake disk.
Using a tablespoon pour the chocolate ganache over each cake. Take a angled spatula and move the ganache over the top. The ganache will harden once cooled.