
3 Feb 2013

U poseti Miminom kraljevstvu / Visiting Mimi's kingdom


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Svaka  dva meseca izaberemo blog koji istražujemo u okviru blogerske igricie FBI rukavice koju je osmislila Maja. Ovoga puta u toku meseca januara i februara istražujemo Mimin blog Mimi's kingdom. Mimi je izuzetno simpatična i vredna devojka a njen blog osim lepih i preciznih recepta krase i predivne fotografije. Ona mnogo voli da mesi  (pravi je daring baker :) ) pa sam ovoga puta odlučila da i ja zasučem rukave i da joj se pridružim. Za sada sam isprobala tri recepta : kubanski hleb, mekane perece i punjenu fokaću. Sve je predivno i nadam se da ću do kraja februara  imati vremena da još nešto probam sa Miminog bloga.

 Kubanski hleb


Ovaj hlep je jedan baš lep hleb. Nema dugotrajnog narastanja , koriste se jednostavni sastojci, priprema je kratka a rezultat jako ukusan hleb. Ovaj hleb se razlikuje od drugih hlebova jer se stavlja u nezagrejanu rernu i dok se rerna greje on se peče i narasta. Ako do sada niste, obavezno ga probajte.

Mimin recept možete pronaći ovde . Nisam ništa menjala u vezi pripreme testa. Jedino što sam izmenila je da sam umesto dve veknice napravila jednu i pekla sam hleb  u zemljanoj posudi pa je  zbog toga je vreme pečenja produženo na sat i petnaest  minuta.




Mislila sam da su perece neka zahtevna rabota. Grdno sam se prevarila. Ovaj Mimin recept je zaista jako  jednostavan i može ga pratiti i pereca početnik kao što sam ja. Malo me brinulo oblikovanje pereca ali mislim da su za prvi put dobro ispale. Plus ovog recepta je što se testo u obliku konopca provlači kroz vodeni  rastvor sode bikarbone a onda u plehu se formiraju perece. Time olakšavate sebi. Obično se formirane perece potapaju u rastvor sode bikarbone, prilikom vađenja gube oblik , pa ih je ponovo potrebno popravljati u plehu. Moje su malo tamnije boje jer sam ih pekla na višoj temperaturi nego Mimi. U orginnalnom receptu koji je Mimi navela pominje se 450 F (230°C)  kao temperatura pečenja. Ja sam to zapamtila i totalno previdela da je Mimi svoje pekla na 180°C .

Neverovatno su ukusne, dobro se slažu sa pivom i sosom od pečenog belog luka ili  sa majonezom . Ukusne su i  sutradan podgrejane u mikrotalasnoj su divne.
Miki hvala, što si mi izlečila strah od pereca :)

Punjena fokaća  


E sad dolazimo do punjene fokaće, mog ličnog favorita. Za ovu fokaću imam samo reči hvale.. Dodatak kromira u testo, testo čini mekanim i vazdušastim. Bogato punjenje  ovaj hleb pretvara u obrok uz dodatak salate. I ne, ne znam kakva je sutradan. Nije preživela do tada. Mislim da će biti idealna za piknike. Jedva čekam da se vreme prolepša i da moju ideju sprovedem u delo.

Mimin orginalni recept možete pronaći ovde.
Šta sam promenila? Pa u testo sam dodala po kašičicu belog i crnog luka u granulama i promešala ih sa brašnom pre dodavanja rastopljenog kvasca i ostalih sastojaka.
Što se tiče fila umesto sremuša korisila sam crne masline narezane na kolutiće, oko 10 komada i umesto dimljenog kačkavalja koristila sam ementaler iz prostog razloga  jer se to našlo u frižideru.:)
Ocena : čista desetka!

 Visiting Mimi's kingdom

Every two months, a blog is chosen for our investigation. We pick a recipe, make it and report back. Mimi's kingdom  is the blog under inspection during January and February . Mimi have a great recipes and great pictures and it was a real pleasure investigating her blog. I chose three recipe from Mimi's blog for now , but I will come back for more  in a future.  :) I made Cuban bread, soft pretzels and stuffed focaccia.

Cuban bread 

Cuban bread is delicious and fast no kneed bread.  What makes this bread different from others? Well,you  need a  few ingredients and  only  15 minute rising before it goes into the cold oven. While the oven warms up, the bread rise and bake. 
1,2-1,4 liter all purpose  flour 
40 g fresh yeast
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
500 ml warm water
sesame or poppy seeds (optional)

 In a large bowl, soften the yeast in the water with sugar. Place 1 liter  flour in a mixing bowl and add the yeast mixture and salt. Stir until they are well blended.
Gradually  add remaining flour  until the dough takes shape and is no longer sticky. 

Sprinkle the work surface with flour.Transfer dough on  work surface and knead for 8 minutes by hand  until the dough is smooth, elastic, and feels alive under your hands. If is  dough sticky add a little more flour during kneading. 

Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and put in a warm  place until double, about 15 minutes.After rising ,punch down the dough, turn it out on the work surface and shape a loaf . Slash X, brush water, and, if desired, sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds. Put it in a clay pot, cover with lid and put in cold oven. Heat the oven to 210°C.Bake for a hour and 15 minutes.

Soft Pretzels


The best soft pretzel you will ever eat!   They are so easy and fun  to make at home. Don't be intimidated because this recipe is practically fool-proof. 
(recipe source)
2 cups warm milk
10 grams active dry yeast
6 tbsp  sugar
60 grams  butter, at room temperature
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour ( additional 1/2 cup as needed )
2 tsp fine salt

1/3 cup baking soda
2 cups warm water
coarse salt, to taste
10 grams  butter, melted

Pour milk along with yeast and 1 tbsp sugar   into the bowl  and whisk together until yeast has dissolved. Let rest 10  minutes. In a bigger bowl add flour ,yeast mixture, 5 tbsp sugar, butter, salt and mix with  stand mixer on medium low speed until dough become  elastic. Mix in up to an additional 1/2 cup flour, as needed, until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.Cover bowl with plastic wrap and sit in a warm place for approximately one hour  or until the dough has doubled in size. Preheat the oven to 230 °C . Line 2  oven pans with parchment paper and lightly brush with the vegetable oil. Set aside. Bring the  water and the baking soda to a rolling boil in an  saucepan.  Punch the dough and turn  out onto a slightly oiled work surface and divide into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece out into a long, thin rope about 40 cm  long.Fold the rope into halves several times then immerse in water mixture then shape them into pretzels  on parchment-lined baking pans. Sprinkle every pretzel  with coarse salt.  Bake  in preheated oven 7 - 11 minutes until dark golden brown. Brush top and bottom of pretzels with melted butter. Transfer to a cooling rack for at least 5 minutes before serving. Serve with your favorite sauce and beer.

Stuffed focaccia

 This focaccia is amazing . With its golden brown, just slightly crisp crust and its soft, smooth interior is one of life’s best simple pleasures.  I think it will be perfect food  for picnic. 
(recipe source
300 grams  all purpose flour 
300 grams cooked and mashed potatoes
15 gr fresh  yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons  olive oil
130 ml lukewarm water

1 teaspoon garlic , granulated 
1 teaspoon onion, granulated 
100 gr feta cheese
1 tablespoon sour cream
10 black olives, pitted
100 gr  emmentaler cheese 
200 gr cherry tomato 
2 tablespoon olive oil 
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
salt, pepper
coarse salt

Pour warm water along with yeast and 1 tbsp sugar into the bowl  and whisk together until yeast has dissolved. Let rest 20  minutes. In a bigger bowl add flour , granulated onion and garlic, mashed potato ,yeast mixture, olive oil, salt and mix with  stand mixer on medium low speed until dough become  elastic. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and sit in a warm place for approximately one hour  or until the dough has doubled in size.
Crumble feta and mix with sour cream. Add salt and pepper as you wish.  . Line round 26 cm cake pan with baking paper. Place one half of dough in your cake pan and gently flatten the dough until it covers the bottom of the pan evenly. If surface of the dough become sticky lightly flour it. Take feta mixture  and spread evenly over the top of the dough but leave clean 2 cm from the edge. Sprinkle with  chopped olives and cover with emmentaler slices. Take another half of the dough , gently flatten to cover and seal with bottom crust.  Cover with plastic wrap and sit in a warm place for 40 minutes. Mix 2 tbsp olive oil and 2 tbsp water and brush focaccia . Sprinkle with oregano, coarse salt . Arrange tomato slices  over top, pressing down lightly. 
Bake in preheated oven on 210 °C for 40 minutes.  It’ll be golden brown, but still pretty soft. Remove it from the oven, and turn it out of the pan onto a rack to cool.
Serve with your favorite salad and beer.
Enjoy !


  1. This all looks spectacular, I love baking my own breads. I will definitely have to try these recipes! Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Valley Chow

  2. Baš se probudim i naletim na nekoliko recepata za focacciu, ne znam koji mi je bolji. U svakom slučaju, moram doručkovat pod hitno jer sam ogladnila od delicija. Divno je u tvojoj izvedbi, lijepo što si odabrala kruh, obožavam ga radit :)

    1. Ja ne smem kasno noću i rano ujutro razgledati blogove. odmah napadam frižider :) Hleb je jako jednostavan, brz i izrazito ukusan.

  3. Meni je sve favorit:)
    Zoko, vrednice, mnogo je sve fino. Al perece mi i dalje titraju pred očima. Moram isprobati!

    1. Perece su nestale dok si rekla keks odnosno pereca :) Ali fokaća... MORAŠ je probati :)

  4. Ja se slažem s tobom, focaccia izgleda ko milijun dolara;)!

    1. Pa vidi se da smo pripadnici istog znaka. :) Voimo iste stvari. :) PREDIVNA je ! Probaj , nećeš se pokajati.
      Ako je napraviš i nekim slučajem ti se ne dopadne, poješću je ja . :)

  5. Zoko, hvala puuuunoooo! :)))))) Sve sto si napravila predivno izgleda! Jako lepe fotke!
    Hvala na divnom uvodu. Taman si me podsetila na Kubanski hleb. Moracu ga opet praviti.

    1. Hvala tebi na divnim receptima. Pravo je zadovoljstvo istraživati te. :)

  6. Zoko majstorica si za sve,sve savršeno izgleda,kruh mi je posebno privlačan:)

    1. Hvala Nely, stvarno je odličan i brzo se pravi.

  7. sve je vrh, ali posebno ova punjena foccacia mami!

    1. Dodatak krompira testu je čini tako mekanom i tako ukusnom. Obavezno probaj kad budes imala vremena.veruj mi,oduševićeš se :)

  8. Odlicne stvari si izabrala. Volim istu marmeladu :)

    1. :) Hvala Goco .Ova marmelada je stvarno divna ali ona od viljemovki mi je ukrala srce. :)

  9. Odličan odabir, a focaccia mi je posebno primamljiva!

    1. Probaj Tamara obavezno, mislim da je baš baš po tvom ukusu.

  10. Pa ti si bas bila vredna, odlican izbor:)

  11. Mislim da su perece hit a nadam se da će svi ovu fokaću isprobati. Vidiš i ja bi svuda stavljala taj beli luk u prahu, naročito u pecivo. Mnooooooogo dobro. Skoro sam videla i crni u granulama u Maxiju, moram da kupim. Jesi li ti to stavljala sušeni paradajz na fokaću ili si ga polovila pre stavljanja. Baš se lepo sasušio. Moj je ostao onako ceo, što je bilo super, ali i ovo mi se sviđa.

    1. Jeco, ja sam se navukla na beli i crni luk u granulama od kada sam kupila baš te u Maxiju . :) Fokaća je predivna, ja sam je i juče pravila. I ponovo ću u petak za prijatelje. :) Ja sam naseckala čeri pre stavljanja na fokaću. Imala sam dve vrste, običan čeri i neki duguljasti kao šljivar ali isto malen kao čeri. Ovaj mini šljivar je mnogo sladak i njega sam sekla na četvrtine a obični okrugli čeri na polovine , zato su mi se sasušili prilikom pečenja.

  12. Yay! Lovee pretzels! Thanks for this recipe!
