
15 Jul 2012

Fruit en papillote and egg custard gelato

Our July  2012 Daring Cooks' hostess was  Sarah from All our fingers in the pie  . She challenged us to learn a new cooking technique called en papillote.
 About this challenge Sarah said: "My challenge to you is to cook ‘en papillote (pah-pee-YOHT)’. This is French for ‘in parchment’. In Italian it is called ‘al cartoccio’. This is a method of cooking in which the food is put into a folded pouch or parcel and then baked. The parcel is typically made from folded parchment paper, but other materials such as a paper bag or aluminum foil may be used.
This is a very healthy way of cooking because no fat is required. The package holds in all the juices and is more flavourful than traditional steaming. As the package is heated, the air inside the package expands and the flavours of the ingredients mingle with no escape. The food in a sense is cooked in flavoured air.
Opening these packets at the table can create some drama with the aromatic steam that will pour out.
Cooking successfully en papillote takes thoughtfulness and an understanding of ingredients. You must think of how they will react with heat, how long they will take to cook, how they will taste together. Some vegetables will release a lot of water and dilute the natural sauce that forms. Some ingredients may turn an unpleasant colour, like basil turns black.
Cooking en papillote works best with tender foods that cook quickly. Cut the ingredients into sizes that will all cook in the same length of time. Add moisture, if necessary. Some vegetables release enough moisture but if not, add liquid seasonings or a splash of water or stock to create the steam within the packet. The ingredients in the packet will add flavour but you can also add fresh or dried herbs, salt, pepper, spices or stocks. Also consider a pat of herbed butter or a drizzle of cream. Fat is not required but goes a long way to build flavour. Laying a lettuce leaf on the bottom of the paper or foil will help to prevent scorching"
Usually I use en papillote technique for preparing fish or chicken. This time I wanted something different.  I decided to make something I had never made before, fruit en papillote.

Fruit en papillote 

1 peach
handful of mix berries
1 tbsp vanilla sugar or 1 tbsp sugar and 1 vanilla bean 
a few fresh lemon balm leaves
1 tsp white rum 

Preheat grill to medium-low.
Spread a  piece of parchment  out on a work surface. Place fruit in paper and drizzle with vanilla sugar  and a splash of  rum. Top with Lemon balm. Fold up packet to seal Grill packages, folded edge up, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a platter. Cool slightly. Transfer fruit and juices to a bowl or plate and top with egg custard gelato  and mint.

Egg custard gelato

3 cups milk
8 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar 
(I added 1 vanilla bean)
With a knife halve vanilla bean lengthwise. Scrape seeds into a large heavy saucepan and stir in pods and milk. Bring to just below a boil over medium heat; do not let it boil. Turn off heat.
Meanwhile, put egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and beat with wire whisk until pale yellow and thick.Remove vanilla pods from the milk and gradually pour hot milk into beaten yolks in thin stream, stirring constantly with whisk.
Return mixture to saucepan and place over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon, 5 to 6 minutes. Do not let custard boil, or it will curdle.
Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into clean metal bowl. Cool completely over bowl of ice water. Cover and chill in refrigerator until cold. (Custard mixture can keep in refrigerator for a day or two.)
Freeze mixture in ice cream freezer according to manufacturer’s instructions. Serve immediately, or transfer to tightly sealed container and freeze for a day or two


  1. Odlična ideja za pravi ljetnji desert!

    1. Hvala :) Ja licno vise volim sveze voce ali zato sladoeld je fantastican. Onaj divan, vanilasti.

  2. Sjajan dessert, jako mi se dopada!!

  3. Ajme kako fino sa sladoledom! :)

  4. mmmmm, jako mi se sviđa!!!
    a prva fotka, woow..preterancije Zoksi!

  5. Vidjela sam već neke radove za DC i nitko nije koristio voće, tako da ti je ovo genijalna ideja, potogovo u kombinaciji sa sladoledom. Mljac, mljac! Prva fotka je mrak!

  6. Draga, ove fotke su ti fenomenalne, pravo osvezenje za oci u ovim tropskim vrucinama :)

  7. Fantastic effort! I can't believe I didn't even think of doing a dessert for this seems like such a great idea and your results look very inviting. I'm going to have to try doing a dessert like this some time soon!
    I really enjoyed this challenge, so thanks for sharing your recipe!

    1. Thank you. I love your fish en papillote. :)

  8. Super su ti nove fotke, tj. novi stil fotkanja. Svi su naucili, samo ja niiiiiiiiiiiiisam!!!
    Imam jedan recept za slatkac bez jaja, ako te zanima na mom blogu, kao i za sorbet (skroz jednostavno), ali sam skuzila da se to kod nas ne isplati praviti, kupovni su tako jeftini i ima takvih kombinacija...da cak ni meni ne padnu na pamet;) A i mjesta u frizeru nemam (o.k. barem imam izgovor da sve odmah pojedem:))!!!

    1. Majce, najvaznije ti je dobro svetlo. Zato kada ti vreme dopusti slikaj po danu. Izbegavaj vreme kada ti sunce bije direktno u prozor i odmah ces videti razliku. :) Ček, ček tu sladju mozemo da jedemo dok smo LC /DUkan?
      Ja sam zaludjenik za domaci sladoled. Pre neki dan sam kupila cetvrti po redu aparat za sladoled. Dobro jedan sam kupila na poklon, znaci imam tri. Imam play and freeze ball , imam ariete mikija i na kraju imam gagliju sa kompresorom koja sama hladi. Mikija cu sada povesti da zivi na more. :)
      Moj omiljeni sorbet je sa narandzom i nanom. Vidis mogla bih da probam sa zasladjivacem da da vidim kako ce da ispadne.

  9. your photos are amazing. I love the idea of cooking fruit like this.

  10. Pravi ljetni sladoledno voćni desert, što više možemo poželjeti u ove dane? Stvarno odlično!

  11. Zoko ostaviš me bez teksta svojim fotkama,divneee...a tek ovaj desrt,dakle sada trčim da si nešto ovako složim:I)

    1. Hihihih, drago mi je da ti se dopada. :)

  12. Ovo je stvarno fantasticno, slike su predivne

  13. I love your delicious photos!!!!!! Look forward to trying your recipe!

  14. Love your delicious photos! Look forward to trying your recipe!

  15. Odlično, ja volim i pečeno voće i domaći sladoled i ovako lijepe fotke. Zanima me kako si zadovoljna s aparatom za sladoled s vlastitim kompresorom i koje su, po tebi, prednosti. Već duže razmišljam o tome da ga nabavim jer sa ovim koji imam mogu odjednom napraviti relativno malu količinu, pa onda čekati 24 sata za sljedeću turu.

    1. Veoma sam zadovoljna. Mana mu je sto sladoled mozes praviti po ceo dan a samim tim i jesti vece kolicine u odnosnu na ove aparata koji koriste posude za zamrzavanje. :) Salu na stranu, prava mana u mom slucaju je sto je dosta veliki uredjaj koji mora da ima svoje mesto u kuhinji. Meni je recimo zauzeo dobar deo radne povrsine. Nije bucan , pravi sladoled za 30 minuta. Moj ima dve posude, jednu fiksnu i jednu koja se vadi. Ja sam do sada pravila samo u ovoj koja se vadi. Napravi oko 600 gr sladoleda sto je nama dosta. I previse , posto su neki od nas sada na dijeti. :)

    2. Hvala na informaciji. Ja ga vjerojatno do sada i nisam kupila jer ne znam gdje bi ga držala. Prilična mi je gužva u kuhinji. Na jesen se selimo u novi stan, pa se nadam da ću mu naći dobro mjesto jer volimo domaći sladoled, a ja ga volim i raditi.

  16. Bas me mamis da se ukljucim i u Daring Cooks... Volim ove paketice... :)

  17. OMG! Your pictures (especially second from the top) have to be banned! They are addictive, I want to look at it over and over again... without actual satisfaction for my irritated taste buds :) Well unless I'll get my hands on it to cook it myself. Stunning pictures! And must be awesome tasting too.

  18. Predivno i predobro !! Voće izgleda prekrasno i ne mogu ga se nagledati, onda još ova kombinacija sa sladoledom. Na ovakvim desertima bih mogla cijelo ljeto živjeti !
