
14 Jun 2012

Daring cooks Jun 2012- CANNELLONI DI MAGRO

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Our Jun 2012 Daring Cooks host was Manu  from Manu's Menu . She challenge us to make cannelloni. This was the first time I have made cannelloni from scratch and was delicious.I made cannelloni di margo but I used swiss chard with red stalk instead of spinach. I always thought that making cannelloni pasta is so difficult and I don't like store-bought cannelloni tubes so I didn't eat cannelloni. It is actually quite easy to make pasta even if you don't have pasta maker. Thanks Manu for this challenge .
So, let's make some cannelloni :) 

First you need to make egg pasta. 

For egg pasta:
Ingredients (to make enough cannelloni for 4 persons):
100 grams all-purpose flour
1 large egg

1. Put the flour and eggs in a food processor and mix. When the dough looks like crumbs, pour it onto the bench top sprinkled with a little flour. Knead well by hand until you obtain a smooth dough. Make it into a ball, wrap it in cling wrap and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

 2. Now you are ready to make your egg pasta. Cut out a piece of egg pasta dough and flatten it into a rectangular shape with your hands.  
3.Use a rolling pin to get a very thin sheet of dough and then cut it into rectangles.

 4. Put a large pot with salty water on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook the pasta sheets in it for 1 minute. Do this in batches (I use a shallow but large pot and I cook them in 1 layer, so I am sure they do not stick together). Remove them with a slotted spoon and put them on a clean tea towel to cool down.

Making a filling: 
500 gr   raw spinach ( I used swiss chard with red stalkI used)
400 gr  ricotta
2 cups (120 gr) Parmigiano Reggiano, finely grated, divided
Salt and pepper
1 pinch nutmeg
1 large egg

1. Cook spinach  for 2 minutes in salty boiling water. Drain  and run some cold water on them to cool it down quickly (this will help them retain a nice green colour). Then squeeze spinach with your hands to get rid of as much liquid as possible and  cut  finely with a knife. 

2. Put the ricotta in a bowl, add the minced spinach, egg, 1½ cups (85 gms/3 oz) of grated Parmigiano Reggiano, nutmeg, salt and pepper and mix until well combined

 3.Take one sheet of cooked pasta and put 1/8 of the filling along the long side of the rectangle. Roll it over to make a cannellone. Do the same with remaining pasta sheets. 

Now you need to make bechamel sauce. I made fake bechamel sauce because I 'm daring cook on a diet. :)
Fake bechamel sauce
Ingredients (enough to make cannelloni for 4 people):
2 cups (500 ml) milk, hot
 50 gm  all-purpose  flour
1 pinch salt
1 pinch nutmeg

  Add the flour into a milk  and whisk constantly until well incorporated. Add salt and nutmeg and cook it on a low flame for 10 minutes or until it thickens.

Assembling cannelloni:   

Take a big enough oven dish to fit all your cannelloni tightly. Spray it with some cooking oil (or melted butter) and pour some béchamel sauce on the bottom. Spread it well, especially in the corners. Put the cannelloni in the oven dish on 1 layer.
Cover the cannelloni with the remaining béchamel sauce and sprinkle with the remaining ½ cup  of Parmigiano Reggiano.

Bake them in a preheated moderate oven 180°C for 20 minutes, then grill them at 200°C for another 5 minutes.
Serve immediately

Cannelloni di magro 

Ovomesečna domaćica Daring cooks igrice Manu sa bloga Manu's menu nas je izazvala da napravimo kanelone. Nikada ranije ih nisam pravila jer nemam masinu za testenine a i mislila sam da je proces dugotrajan i zahtevan. O, kolko sam glupa bila. Čak i bez mašine, pravljenje je jako lako a neverovatno su ukusni. 
Prvo pravimo pastu.
Potrebno je :
( za cetiri osobe) 
100 gr brašna 
1 veće jaje
Jaje i brašno ubacite u multipraktik i kratko mutite dok ne dobijete mrvičastu masu. Prebacite na radnu površinu i mesite dok ne dobijete tvrdje testo. Ostavite da se odmara 10-15 minuta , pokriveno prozirnom folijom. Nakon odmaranja , oklagijom razivijte testo što tanje, na svega nekoliko 2-3 milimetara i isecite na pravougaonike 10x15 cm.  
U posoljenoj ključaloj vodi , kuvajte list po list da se ne bi slepili  po minut-dva. Ako su vam listovi deblji i duže. Kuvane listove vaditi  supljom kasikom i stavljati  na čistu krpu da se prohlade. 
500 gr svežeg spanaća ili blitve 
120 gr rendanog parmezana
400 gr rikote 
1 jaje
so, biber
prstohvat muskatnog orasčića 

Spanać ( ili u mom slučaju blitvu) operite i u vreloj vodi kuvajte 2-3 minuta. Ocedite u cediljci pa stavite  pod hladnu vodu da prekinete kuvanje. Sačekajte da se još malo prohladi jedno 5 minuta pa rukama ocedite vodu iz spanaća što više možete. Kuvani spanać iseckajte nožem na dasci pa u dubljoj posudi promešajte sa rikotom , jajetom i 80 gr rendanog parmezana.  Posolite, pobiberite i dodajte prstohvat sveže rendanog muskatnog orasćića. 
1/8 fila u vidu valjka stavite na jedan kraj kuvanog lista  testenine i zarolajte. Ponavljate dok ne utrosite svu testeninu i fil.

Sada napravite bešamel. Ja sam pravila lažni bešamel tj samo sam ukuvala brašno i mleko bez prethodnog prženja brašna i začinila muškatnim oraščićem ,posolila i pobiberila. 
Potrebno je : 
500 gr mleka 
50 gr brašna 
Brašno i mleko sam žicom umutila da se dobro sjedine i na tihoj vatri kuvala 10-tak minuta dok nisam dobila odgovarajuću gustinu. 
Vatrostanu posudu, koja je dovoljno velika da svoje kanelone rasporedite u jednom sloju , premazite uljem ili puterom i rasporedite trećinu besamela po dnu posude. Naročito obratite paznju da besamela bude i po uglovima posude. Poređajte kanelone, prekrite preostalim bešamelom i parmezanom. Pecite  u predhodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 °C pecite ih 20 minuta. Zatim ih pecite još 5 minuta na 200 °C da se odozgo dobije lepa zapečena korica. 
Služite odmah.
Prijatno :)


  1. Zoka, did you add tomatoes in your filling? I like this idea, especially for "daring cook on a diet" :) Your cannelloni look very appetizing despite "fake bechamel"! :)

    1. Hahaha, thank you. :) My filling is a little reddish because I used a swiss chard with red stalk.
      Well, my diet isn't going well, so much temptations. I think I should stop blogging about food and stop cooking and eating and start running and blogging about that :)))

  2. Pravila sam bez mašinice domaće rezance, a kanelone nisam nikada motala. Ovi tvoji izgledaju odlično, jednom ću isporbati sigurno.

  3. Predivni su, nikad nisam razmisljala da ih sama napravim. Slike su ti fantasticne.

  4. Zoko znam da svaki tvoj novi post meni donosi novu ideju,i evo stvarno je tako,ovo je fantastično,nikada ih nisam razmišljala sama raditi,a imam i mašinicu za tjesteninu,probam obavezno:)

  5. I'm with you on not liking the dry tubes. I think they take longer and are fussy to fill. I bet the chard was delicious. I did grated zucchini for mine.

  6. Bravo za pastu, a fil ubija. Da li su dobri za poneti, haha?

  7. Wow - your ful looks delicious - so fresh and colorful. Truly beautiful work on this challenge!

  8. Volim domacu pastu!!! Divni su!

  9. Odlično! Podsetila si me da imam mašinicu:-)))

  10. i ja sam mislila da je to kompliciranije..nisam nikada radila. krasno su ti ispali!

  11. Beautiful - and really thin pasta with hand rolling! Great job!

  12. Predivno su gi ispali, a ovo je još jedna igrica za koju nisam čula :)

  13. Joj kako ovo fino izgleda... super!

  14. Ima tu posla ali je krajnji rezultat vidi se odlican!!

  15. Cannelloni izgledaju jako fino, trud se uvijek isplati :)

  16. Zokooooo kako dobro izgledaju! Svaka čast!
    Obožavam domaću pastu... Sva sreća pa više nisam na restrikciji, mogla bi za vikend da se oprobam:)

  17. nisam ih nikad doma radila iako imam mašinu, sad si me ohrabrila i probat ću ih napraviti
